Autonomous vehicles: Why customers should not buy a car programmed to kill?
The emergence of artificial intelligence raises questions about the moral dilemmas that the development of autonomous vehicles confronts us with. To answer these questions, many papers have proceeded to a quantitative description of moral facts and assume that autonomous vehicle is a moral agent in the strict meaning, i.e., autonomous vehicles will sometimes have to choose between two evils: running over pedestrians or sacrificing themselves and their passenger to save the pedestrians. Participants in a study conducted by Moral Machine (2018) approve of autonomous vehicles that sacrifice their passengers for the greater good and would like others to buy them, but they themselves would prefer to travel in autonomous vehicles that protect their passengers at all costs. Why? This research is the first that speaks to the business impact of the moral dilemmas of autonomous vehicle in an accident situation by focusing on the purpose of any vehicle: to serve all market stakeholders. by focusing on the purpose of any vehicle: to serve all market stakeholders.