36-39: Malos Tiempos ou comment la bande dessinée rend hommage aux vaincus de la Guerre civile
The Spanish comic book author Carlos Giménez signs between 2007 and 2009 a series of four albums on the Spanish Civil War titled 36-39: Malos tiempos. In this tetralogy, the denunciatory dimension is very strong and leads us to ask ourselves a certain number of questions: first, why now address the theme of the Civil War? What relationship to the memory of the author here, born in 1941 and did not live the conflict? What are the methods of writing these albums? Finally, what representation of war offer us? 36-39 turns out to be a special "narrative of memory", drawn by an author who wants to convey his vision of the Spanish war to the younger generations. So these four albums are endowed with a pedagogical and explanatory value, and almost educational: it is not so much for Carlos Giménez to tell History, than to draw lessons, via an original medium like the comic, a form of expression intended for the greater number, more likely than others to reach a young and wide audience.
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