Exploitation of the photochromic nitroprusside anion [FeNO(CN)5]2- as counterion for constructing molecular conductors: The first radical cation salts based on BDH-TTP and the amide functionalized derivatives of EDT-TTF
The radical cation salts based on BDH-TTP and the mono- and diamide functionalized derivatives of EDT-TTF with the double charged nitroprusside anion [FeNO(CN)5]2- (NP): kappa -(BDH-TTP)4[NP]C6H5NO2 (1), kappa -(BDH-TTP)4[NP] (2), (BDH-TTP)2[NP] (3), alpha-[ EDT-TTF-CONH 2]4[NP] (4), beta -[ EDT-TTF-(CONH2)2]2[NP] 0.5(C6H5NO2)0.5 (5) have been synthesized. The crystal structures and transport properties of 1 - 5, as well as electronic band structures of 1and 2 have been studied.